Bird- Eye View of C++ : From Basics to Advanced Concepts

Why is C++ so popular? Because it has two things ?

Efficiency : The programs are very solid to run

Universality: Any high-level program will have C++ in its core concepts

And it can be used by any level of programmer i.e. from beginner to an extremely experienced one. Here in this article, we will introduce you to C++ concepts.


With C++ you can create amazing computer programs.

The function ?Main?

It is the function where the program begins. It is the very first you will do while creating a program. Just as we turn on the gas for making tea, the main function is used to create the program.


Variables are like storage pots where you can store numbers or data. You can input age, score, names etc in variables.

Input & Output

It is the format through which the program works. You input something and get the result in the form of output. Just like we Ask questions to get answers.

If-else statements

They control the flow of the program. If-else statements help you in navigating the program. The number will be added if I press plus symbol (+). If I press minus symbol (-), numbers will be subtracted. This is done through if-else statements.


When you want something to repeat in the program ? we use loops. It allows you to do something over and over again until your goal is achieved. There are many loops in C++ ? for loops, while loops, and do-while loops.


Functions can be understood as mini-programs inside the main program. They can be given specific tasks and then use them whenever you want. It?s like an assistant to the programs.

Based on these basics you can create your simple program and have fun. Now we will move to the advanced level.

Advanced Concepts in C++


When you want to write code that is flexible and reusable, you use templates. Templates allow you to make ready-made programs. When you have a template, you have blueprints of programs that can be used anywhere.

Exception Handling

Program execution will lead to errors. These errors or unexpected situations can be handled using exception handling allowing your program to run error-free or glitch-free.

File Handling

C++ programs can access files if you ask them to. These files can be of any type ? text files or binary files. Read and write them whenever you want. You can do multiple things with files like creating a file, opening a file, reading, writing and closing the files. All this is done to access data.

Standard Template Library

This library will provide data structures like vectors, lists and maps with algorithms for programming. This method of programming will allow you to make an efficient and convenient program. These libraries allow you to have pre-built tools and enhance the programs.

Smart Pointers

Memory management in C++ can be usually done with referencing system. Smart pointers allow you to automatically handle allocation and deallocation. Memory leaks are held in a manner that allows you to be more efficient.


When you want to define anonymous functions in your program ? Lambdas are used. This will allow you to write code quickly. For it, you don?t need a separate function declaration.


C++ is very reliable and flexible. Using these basic and advanced methods you can easily create programs from scratch and then make programs that will allow you to be an efficient programmer. Every language today is using C++ as a base and that is the beauty of its efficient program style.